he is tghe CEO of a huge building cleaning service call ABM
he is goin gundercover in his company to see how his company ra3elly works
he ended up speeding while driveing
the person who was training him said that he was doing a terrible job
he was told that he was not doing a very good job
he did not get the job
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
famouse entreprenures
Donald Trump
he went bankrupt in the 90s but managed to gain that money back in the past 13 years
his bigest motivation was to become the best of the best
richard branson
he was dislexic but that didnt stop him from acheiveing his goals
'how you treat others counts'
"be willing to sella business to save an empire"
Herb Kelleher
created southwest airlines
wrote the besiness plan on a napkin
only had one business and it was extremly succesfull
only invested 10000 dolalrs into the business
Orville Redenbacher
born in 1924
his first venture was a small pop corn stand
had only one business and it was extremly successfull
face the risks learn from your faliurs
Howard shultz
his motivation was to build a compamy that his father never had a chance to work for
when he was asked what he wanted to do with his life he would anser by saying he wasnted to make 100,000 dollars.
when he died he had far surpased his goal and died as one of the riches men in the world
all of his businesss were extremly successfull
keep tack of your money
Bill Gates
founder of microsoft
he started off just because he loved computers and would do it in his spare time just for fun
he had an incredible amount of passion for computers
Walt Disney
is manly known for of course his entertainment
he died at the age of 67
he created some of the most famouse fictional characters in the world
Jim pattison
he was self motivated
wanted to help out his family so thats what motivated him
he had multiple bissiness
including save on foods and
Martha Stuart
was a very average girl
she got her inspiration of he mom
he first ventuer was a high end caterer
she was very difficult to work with
has had to deal with the fact that she is a women in a mens business world
Dave Thomos
created his burgers square becaus ehe doesnt like to cut corners
his mentor was curnel sanders the creator of KFC
the first one to add a drive through to his resturant
he had a passion for food
he was a million air at the age 35
hennry ford
was mentored by tohmas edison
he has started one real business and it was extremly succesfull
he has forever changed the car industry
Phile Knight
co founder of nike
the first year they didnt make much
bill bower man wa his coach and his partner
nike is now worth 11.1 billion dollars is one of the richest people in the world
"you cant explain much in 60s but if you show michale jordan you dont have to its that simple"
he went bankrupt in the 90s but managed to gain that money back in the past 13 years
his bigest motivation was to become the best of the best
richard branson
he was dislexic but that didnt stop him from acheiveing his goals
'how you treat others counts'
"be willing to sella business to save an empire"
Herb Kelleher
created southwest airlines
wrote the besiness plan on a napkin
only had one business and it was extremly succesfull
only invested 10000 dolalrs into the business
Orville Redenbacher
born in 1924
his first venture was a small pop corn stand
had only one business and it was extremly successfull
face the risks learn from your faliurs
Howard shultz
his motivation was to build a compamy that his father never had a chance to work for
when he was asked what he wanted to do with his life he would anser by saying he wasnted to make 100,000 dollars.
when he died he had far surpased his goal and died as one of the riches men in the world
all of his businesss were extremly successfull
keep tack of your money
Bill Gates
founder of microsoft
he started off just because he loved computers and would do it in his spare time just for fun
he had an incredible amount of passion for computers
Walt Disney
is manly known for of course his entertainment
he died at the age of 67
he created some of the most famouse fictional characters in the world
Jim pattison
he was self motivated
wanted to help out his family so thats what motivated him
he had multiple bissiness
including save on foods and
Martha Stuart
was a very average girl
she got her inspiration of he mom
he first ventuer was a high end caterer
she was very difficult to work with
has had to deal with the fact that she is a women in a mens business world
Dave Thomos
created his burgers square becaus ehe doesnt like to cut corners
his mentor was curnel sanders the creator of KFC
the first one to add a drive through to his resturant
he had a passion for food
he was a million air at the age 35
hennry ford
was mentored by tohmas edison
he has started one real business and it was extremly succesfull
he has forever changed the car industry
Phile Knight
co founder of nike
the first year they didnt make much
bill bower man wa his coach and his partner
nike is now worth 11.1 billion dollars is one of the richest people in the world
"you cant explain much in 60s but if you show michale jordan you dont have to its that simple"
Friday, December 10, 2010
conrad hilton. hilton hotel
conrad hilton built a hotel chain from the ground up
he was born in 1887 in new mexico
his father owned the towns general store
his father taought him hard work
his mother taught him the cathilic faith
he was good at schoool
working at he general store gave him insight into the hotel business
conrad had 8 brothers and sisters
conrad decided to enter into politics
hilton was determained to strike out on his own
hilton wanted to open a bank his father suggested against it but he wasnted to anyways
the bank closed after only a year
when world war started he went to war in france
his father died when he was at war
his father died in the towns first car accendent
he missed his fathers funeral
in the spring of 1919 he went to texas for oil
while in texas he went to a hotel and realized how full the place was
he decided to buy a bank for 4000 dollars
the mobly was a huge success!
he made soo much profit that he was able to buy hotels in other areas
by 1925 he had 8 hotels
he met a girl and got married
his family had 3 sons
by the end of the 20s he was putting up hotles everywhere
the great depression was ruining his business
in less then a year he lost everything but one hotle
he got money from where ever he could and wa able to pay his lease
he managed to gain a rock solid reputation
his family life took a tole and he got a divourse
because of the second world war propertie prices plumited and he baought an extremly nice hotel for almost nothing
he went to new york and he baught a couple more hotles his business was back on top
he was devistated by his mothers death
he was born in 1887 in new mexico
his father owned the towns general store
his father taought him hard work
his mother taught him the cathilic faith
he was good at schoool
working at he general store gave him insight into the hotel business
conrad had 8 brothers and sisters
conrad decided to enter into politics
hilton was determained to strike out on his own
hilton wanted to open a bank his father suggested against it but he wasnted to anyways
the bank closed after only a year
when world war started he went to war in france
his father died when he was at war
his father died in the towns first car accendent
he missed his fathers funeral
in the spring of 1919 he went to texas for oil
while in texas he went to a hotel and realized how full the place was
he decided to buy a bank for 4000 dollars
the mobly was a huge success!
he made soo much profit that he was able to buy hotels in other areas
by 1925 he had 8 hotels
he met a girl and got married
his family had 3 sons
by the end of the 20s he was putting up hotles everywhere
the great depression was ruining his business
in less then a year he lost everything but one hotle
he got money from where ever he could and wa able to pay his lease
he managed to gain a rock solid reputation
his family life took a tole and he got a divourse
because of the second world war propertie prices plumited and he baought an extremly nice hotel for almost nothing
he went to new york and he baught a couple more hotles his business was back on top
he was devistated by his mothers death
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Melanie Hovlker utopia acadeamy
the school has 3 sections
one great thing about the acadeamy is you dont necacarally have to work at the spa
she was needed at least a c+ in english to get into college
this was a big problem for her
she did not have an overall focus
she did not know what she wanted to do
her dad sugested for her to try hair design
little did she know her dad had already aplied her for the school and got her in
she did not enjoy it at first but eventuall it tuned into one of her passions
she had a very hard time getting a job but eventually she got one in a strip mall in abby it was not very big
on her first day he left her alone in the salon and nobody came
she waited it out and on the second day she got 2 customers and she only made 10 dollars in an 8 hour period
her first pay check was 34 dollars
her dad told her to quit and never go back
her dad told her to hand out as many resumes every where she could
she got a job at great clips
at this job her first ay check was still only 281 dollars
after 2 weeks she decided that it wasnt the place for her so she quite
this time she went to her instuctor who got her a job no problem
this job was basically an assistant
she stayed there for a year because she still wasnt doing what she wanted
when she told her that she was leaving he wanted her to stay sooo bad that she offered to pay for her gas and for her to live in hi sbasement
hard work pays off even if you dont ask for anything
when you want something just go get it
she worked at a salon in chlliwack for 2 yearsshe got a job as a master styalist at another salon in chilliwack
she decided to move on from there because she knew she would not move up
she then got a job at utopia achedemy
its all about passion if you dont have passion your not going to be good
one great thing about the acadeamy is you dont necacarally have to work at the spa
she was needed at least a c+ in english to get into college
this was a big problem for her
she did not have an overall focus
she did not know what she wanted to do
her dad sugested for her to try hair design
little did she know her dad had already aplied her for the school and got her in
she did not enjoy it at first but eventuall it tuned into one of her passions
she had a very hard time getting a job but eventually she got one in a strip mall in abby it was not very big
on her first day he left her alone in the salon and nobody came
she waited it out and on the second day she got 2 customers and she only made 10 dollars in an 8 hour period
her first pay check was 34 dollars
her dad told her to quit and never go back
her dad told her to hand out as many resumes every where she could
she got a job at great clips
at this job her first ay check was still only 281 dollars
after 2 weeks she decided that it wasnt the place for her so she quite
this time she went to her instuctor who got her a job no problem
this job was basically an assistant
she stayed there for a year because she still wasnt doing what she wanted
when she told her that she was leaving he wanted her to stay sooo bad that she offered to pay for her gas and for her to live in hi sbasement
hard work pays off even if you dont ask for anything
when you want something just go get it
she worked at a salon in chlliwack for 2 yearsshe got a job as a master styalist at another salon in chilliwack
she decided to move on from there because she knew she would not move up
she then got a job at utopia achedemy
its all about passion if you dont have passion your not going to be good
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
the persuaders
advertisments are everywere you look
advertiseres are struggling to find space because they have created a vicouse circle of clutter
once your in you cant stop because the condumer will forget about you instantly
they decided that airlines had forgotten women so they questioned how they could make the airline better for them
these questioned have allowed them to advertise better
there add will not show any planes travallers or have anything to do with the actually planes
all it does is attract a certaom target market
does it go to the heart or the head
advertiseres are struggling to find space because they have created a vicouse circle of clutter
once your in you cant stop because the condumer will forget about you instantly
they decided that airlines had forgotten women so they questioned how they could make the airline better for them
these questioned have allowed them to advertise better
there add will not show any planes travallers or have anything to do with the actually planes
all it does is attract a certaom target market
does it go to the heart or the head
everything works you cant advertise by saying you are better then something elese
45 000 people decided to go look at a factory were there car was made for a vacationthey are looking for comunitie and meaning
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
the uro club
he was asking for 25000 dollars for 51% of the company
created by a surgen who studies urine
his pacient have uranting problems and they love golf
this product is trying to iliminat the problem of not having any bathrooms on golf courses
he has sold 3000 of them and has made 70000dollars
they sell for 34 dollars and cost him 8 dollars to make
most of the sharks are out because they themselfs would never use the product
he made the deal of 25000 dollars for 70%
created by a surgen who studies urine
his pacient have uranting problems and they love golf
this product is trying to iliminat the problem of not having any bathrooms on golf courses
he has sold 3000 of them and has made 70000dollars
they sell for 34 dollars and cost him 8 dollars to make
most of the sharks are out because they themselfs would never use the product
he made the deal of 25000 dollars for 70%

post it notes
it was created by a man who had a phd in organic chemistry
he was attempting to make super glue that didnt work
it took 12 years for him to eventuall turn it into post it notes
one of his friends was frustrated with book marks falling out of his books so he came upi with the idea for a sticky book mark
one day he wrote a not on the sticky book mark and suddenly realized that it was perfect!
there was noo machien that could manufactue these notes so he built one himself
the were offically realesed to the puplic in the 1980s
Friday, December 3, 2010
micheal clofford
he invests in failing universtieshe decided to buy grand canyon university because it was failing
people are comeing back to school to get a better education
when the economy goes down the education goes up
when the economy goes down everybody rushes to get a better education so they can get a better job
one of micheals friends got a university and ran it like a corperation
they designed the stock market for the customers
one of the most sucessful was grand canyon university
micheal bought it when it was just a small failing christan university
40000 students are now enrolled =in grand canyon university
90% of the students are enrolled online
online education is incridibly profitable
an online course cost about 500 dollarshe spent 25 million dollars on advertisment
they are spending more on getting you to the school then once your already there
there have been many law suits involveing enrollments
the law suits are becuase the iniversities are promising them that they will be able to get a job that will be good enought to easily pay off the loans but they are not
Thursday, December 2, 2010
50000 dollar for 25 %
there product solves the tangled head phon problems
been in business for 2 years the first year they made 11000 dollars the second year 35000
they sell them for 18 dollars and make them all themselves
it cost 3 dollars to make the product
the sharks are backing out because they dont have the proper patent
there product solves the tangled head phon problems
been in business for 2 years the first year they made 11000 dollars the second year 35000
they sell them for 18 dollars and make them all themselves
it cost 3 dollars to make the product
the sharks are backing out because they dont have the proper patent
pork barrel spice rub (shark tank)
they are asking for a 10% stake in there company for 50 000 dollars
the sharks think they have a great product but its unknown
they are valueing there company at half a million dollars
2 sharks have droped out because they think there is a problem with marketing
they made a deal of 50 000 dollars for a 50% stake of the company
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Uncle Levi
ask the question why
"suck it up your investing"
you can keep going by answer the question why
training is all realative
what should drive you is being able to creat something from nothing
being an entrprnure is a verb not a noun
the process changes
you must go through the process of discovering what your good at and what your not
be prepared to play many roles
it is going to be extremly stress full and exahsting
dont think about what you are owed but what you can contribute
did not graduate from university
all you need is to think you can do it
had been involed or 8 or 10 different companies
not all were sucsesfull
you have to just think about it
your imagination is going to try and creat something from nothing
you need to ask yourself how maney ways you can do this
often imagine
but you must balance it in the real world
so many start on somethinf but they dont have a plan
you need a plan!
you need a partner!
you need to get together with someone that you really like
dont do something that you dont like
if its something your not really passiont about then its going to be hard to stick with it
there needs to be somthing that seperates you from everthing eles
if you give them somethign that there not expecting its very powerfull
become a reader
if you spend 10000 hours at something you will become great at it
if you ask then you avoid making the mistakes yourself.
being in the poeple loveing business
when you really care about people they notice
always stay humble
always be prepared to do the lowest part of the job
find ways to have fun
most of your life will be spent at work so make it something that you enjoy doing
he made his work fun
business needs to have a fun componet to it because it creats loyalty
serate business and personal
it isnt healthy to be angry
consideer it a skill to let go and get over something
become finacally literit
if you want to start make money you have to be able to count for it
learn how to read a fiancal statement
learn how to read a balance sheet
put your self in a situation that test you AQ
the hard times will come
wait and be paciant
live in your margen
keep your money
there a tun of million airs that didnt make a tun of money they just learned how not to spend it
you shoundt try to be makeing money you should try to do something really well
figure out what you want to be like
give more then they expect
"suck it up your investing"
you can keep going by answer the question why
training is all realative
what should drive you is being able to creat something from nothing
being an entrprnure is a verb not a noun
the process changes
you must go through the process of discovering what your good at and what your not
be prepared to play many roles
it is going to be extremly stress full and exahsting
dont think about what you are owed but what you can contribute
did not graduate from university
all you need is to think you can do it
had been involed or 8 or 10 different companies
not all were sucsesfull
you have to just think about it
your imagination is going to try and creat something from nothing
you need to ask yourself how maney ways you can do this
often imagine
but you must balance it in the real world
so many start on somethinf but they dont have a plan
you need a plan!
you need a partner!
you need to get together with someone that you really like
dont do something that you dont like
if its something your not really passiont about then its going to be hard to stick with it
there needs to be somthing that seperates you from everthing eles
if you give them somethign that there not expecting its very powerfull
become a reader
if you spend 10000 hours at something you will become great at it
if you ask then you avoid making the mistakes yourself.
being in the poeple loveing business
when you really care about people they notice
always stay humble
always be prepared to do the lowest part of the job
find ways to have fun
most of your life will be spent at work so make it something that you enjoy doing
he made his work fun
business needs to have a fun componet to it because it creats loyalty
serate business and personal
it isnt healthy to be angry
consideer it a skill to let go and get over something
become finacally literit
if you want to start make money you have to be able to count for it
learn how to read a fiancal statement
learn how to read a balance sheet
put your self in a situation that test you AQ
the hard times will come
wait and be paciant
live in your margen
keep your money
there a tun of million airs that didnt make a tun of money they just learned how not to spend it
you shoundt try to be makeing money you should try to do something really well
figure out what you want to be like
give more then they expect
Monday, November 29, 2010
marketing to youth (merchants of cool marketing to youth)
teens spent more then 100 billion last year
teens run the echonomy
teens are given guilt money
75% of teens have a telivition in there room
1 in 3 have a personal computer
teens go for what is cool
as soon as you descover whats cool you kill it
they look for 20% of the students that will be followed by the other 80%
these companys do well because they understand the culture
sports (baseball acadimy)
china trip
euriope (london amsterdam paris)
theater (white christmas)
entrprenureship class
triple s for sucess
achieve greatness
sports (baseball acadimy)
china trip
euriope (london amsterdam paris)
theater (white christmas)
entrprenureship class
we care
whatever your needs sardis will cover them
raise the bartriple s for sucess
achieve greatness
Friday, November 26, 2010
macdonalds founder Ray Kroc
ray was born in chicago in 1902
ray had a brother and a sister
in 1905 they moved to oke park in chicago
ray enjoyed helping his mother with the house work
when he was 4 years old he went to someone who told them that he will be successfull in the food industry
he worked in a grocery store
he began to see the world as one big place to sell to
he would not take no for an answer
he loved baseball
je soon realized that his baseball and school work would not make him rich
when he was 16 he joined the red cross because he was to young to join the army
the did not finish school
he wanted to get married but his father would not let him unless he was steadily employed
he was a born sales man
he was a cleaen freek
the soda fountain was something that was in every city and he came up with the idea to sell drinks to go
he sold paper cups for 16 years
work was evertythinf to him
at 37 he made alot of money selling the multi mixture milsake machine
at the age of 50 his sales started to slow down
in the late 1920s the mcdonalds founders opened a thearter
he realized that the hot dog stand was the only thriveing business in the area
they started there own hot dog stand
they then opened a small resturant called macdonalds
they ran the most sucesfull drivein around for 6 years
he met someone named harry sunborn he showed him how to make money not from hamburgers but from renting out realistate
he wanted to open 1000 macdonalds from cost to cost
in 1961 he ended his marrge with his wife to pursu another woman
ray had a brother and a sister
in 1905 they moved to oke park in chicago
ray enjoyed helping his mother with the house work
when he was 4 years old he went to someone who told them that he will be successfull in the food industry
he worked in a grocery store
he began to see the world as one big place to sell to
he would not take no for an answer
he loved baseball
je soon realized that his baseball and school work would not make him rich
when he was 16 he joined the red cross because he was to young to join the army
the did not finish school
he wanted to get married but his father would not let him unless he was steadily employed
he was a born sales man
he was a cleaen freek
the soda fountain was something that was in every city and he came up with the idea to sell drinks to go
he sold paper cups for 16 years
work was evertythinf to him
at 37 he made alot of money selling the multi mixture milsake machine
at the age of 50 his sales started to slow down
in the late 1920s the mcdonalds founders opened a thearter
he realized that the hot dog stand was the only thriveing business in the area
they started there own hot dog stand
they then opened a small resturant called macdonalds
they ran the most sucesfull drivein around for 6 years
they came up with multiple inventions that made fast food possible
sales shot up 30% in three years
they had a limited menu but did it extremly well
they were the best at what they did
less in more
Kroc was 52 years old and had never seen anything like macdonalds
he wanted to make macdolads go international
kroc signed a contracted that allowed him to open his own macdonalds
in april 1955 he opened his own macdonalds resturant
he made sure that it was spotless
Kroc sold 18 franchises in his first yearhe met someone named harry sunborn he showed him how to make money not from hamburgers but from renting out realistate
he wanted to open 1000 macdonalds from cost to cost
in 1961 he ended his marrge with his wife to pursu another woman
he then got rejected but her and was heart broken
he located his restuarnts buy finding churchs
he was succesful because he had a formula
he created something called the hamburger university to train his emplyess so everythign would be perfect
he wanted to buy the macdonalds out the brothers wanted 2.7 million each
he opened up a macdonalds across the street from the big M
he realied on the wisdom of the fanchisis to make the menue
he came up with focussing on the kids buy creating ronald macdonald
he passed away at the age of 81
he passed away at the age of 81
Thursday, November 25, 2010
robert kiyosaki (rich dad poor dad)
his other dad was poor not because he did not have money but because of his life
his one dad told him that money is the root of all evil
captalist vs socialist
captalist wants to be better
sociallist wants to be equaldid not do well in school he flunked out at 15 and 17 because he could not write made the new york times best sellars list 3 years in a row
thinks school is extremly important
money: we all use it
in asian culture being a teacher iws the highest calling
in america it is the lowest
being a techer is the highest profestion of all
in his mind a capitalist in his heart a sociallist
he is both his rich and poor dad
if your a wimp they shoot you down
as a capitallist he loves the dog eat dog world
how to get rich???
when you have money you think your intellegent when your poor you think you are stupid
this is wrong
he has made money by simplifying financak subjects
he takes things that are complex and makes them simple
1 scolastic education
2 professional education
3 financal education
the poor dad thought he only needed soclastic education and professional education
the rich dad thought all you needed was finacal education
he has lost 4 business in hi slife time but each time he got smarter
asset puts money in
liability takes money out
to be rich start a buch of assets
when he buys a stock he does not buy hopeing it goes up
the reason people loose in stocks is because they do it for capital gains
food will go up
its not money that makes you rich its your hert and mind
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
negociation ( element bars)
he owns a inovated internet business
he is 29 years old and lives in cigago
on his website you can order your own custome energy bar.
he is saying that his business is worth 1 million dollars when he has only made 62 000 dollars.
he had put 5000 dollars of his own money into it
he is trying to convince them that his business is worth that amount of money
he is emotinally trying to convince them that it will be worth it because he is the passion behind the business
he has decided to not negotiate with himself and make them pull the lever
he negotiated by telling them to make the offer
he did not turn anyone down but instead asked them to change there offer
made suggestions
did not take no for an offer
the first person to mention price looses
he is 29 years old and lives in cigago
on his website you can order your own custome energy bar.
he is saying that his business is worth 1 million dollars when he has only made 62 000 dollars.
he had put 5000 dollars of his own money into it
he is trying to convince them that his business is worth that amount of money
he is emotinally trying to convince them that it will be worth it because he is the passion behind the business
he has decided to not negotiate with himself and make them pull the lever
he negotiated by telling them to make the offer
he did not turn anyone down but instead asked them to change there offer
made suggestions
did not take no for an offer
the first person to mention price looses
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
money from almost nothing
garage sale boys
they sold old junk
made 500 hundred dollars (yeah ok sure...)
redkine performance
they sold car parts that they baught at cost and sold at a 25 % mark up
they made 415 dollars
junked garage sale
they took old junk from people and sold it
they made 282 dollars
egg-zima eggs
they had three chikens and sold the eggs
they made 15 dollars (yep with some very speciall chickens)
begin boating
he winterized boats for people
made 120 dollars
acylic nails
she did peoples nails
45 dollars
the gutter boys
cleand peoples gutters
stylze handbags
made handmade handbags
made 15dollars
a currior service
did errands for people
made 280 dollars
roses for a cause
sold roses and doated money to cherity
what makes a someone succsessfull
really passionate and good at what they do
they sold old junk
made 500 hundred dollars (yeah ok sure...)
redkine performance
they sold car parts that they baught at cost and sold at a 25 % mark up
they made 415 dollars
junked garage sale
they took old junk from people and sold it
they made 282 dollars
egg-zima eggs
they had three chikens and sold the eggs
they made 15 dollars (yep with some very speciall chickens)
begin boating
he winterized boats for people
made 120 dollars
acylic nails
she did peoples nails
45 dollars
the gutter boys
cleand peoples gutters
stylze handbags
made handmade handbags
made 15dollars
a currior service
did errands for people
made 280 dollars
roses for a cause
sold roses and doated money to cherity
what makes a someone succsessfull
really passionate and good at what they do
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
branding your business
Volvo has been bought by china
Chinese brand are going to be more popular then any other brands
1 chines dominance
2 local brands
Chinese bonds
3 Chinese change to emotional
talked to Steve jobs and he told them to redisgn their stores to male them tell you good stuff about the company
how do you stand out
know what the message
what would shelves say?
2. somatic marker...how do you stand out today
what makes me stand out?????
my awesomeness
what do i do that adds remarkable value???
what do i do that i am most proud of??? (what can i brag about)??
what do i want to be famous for????
branding your business
branding your business makes a better perception not a better product
Ralph Lifshitz changed his name to Ralph Lauren because he want to change what people thought of him
branding your business tells you who you are what you do and what males you different or how you create value for your target market.
a brand is what people know you for.
1.why you are different#
2.why you are superior
3.why you are authentic
Chinese brand are going to be more popular then any other brands
1 chines dominance
2 local brands
Chinese bonds
3 Chinese change to emotional
talked to Steve jobs and he told them to redisgn their stores to male them tell you good stuff about the company
how do you stand out
know what the message
what would shelves say?
2. somatic marker...how do you stand out today
what makes me stand out?????
my awesomeness
what do i do that adds remarkable value???
what do i do that i am most proud of??? (what can i brag about)??
what do i want to be famous for????
branding your business
branding your business makes a better perception not a better product
Ralph Lifshitz changed his name to Ralph Lauren because he want to change what people thought of him
branding your business tells you who you are what you do and what males you different or how you create value for your target market.
a brand is what people know you for.
1.why you are different#
2.why you are superior
3.why you are authentic
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Seth Godin everything is broken
he invented this website because there are 75 people and 75 taxis but you have to wait 45 min
if you think its broken then its broken
the 7 kinds of broken
-not my job
if you see something thats broken they just put a sign on it instead of actually fixing it because its not there job
-selfish jerks
-i am not a fish
people who male stuff that don't really need to use it
-i didn't know
people who build something but never used it
-broken on purpose
something that is made for something other then the normal purpose
Monday, November 8, 2010
Seth Godin
Otto Rohwedder invented sliced bread but nobody new about it or used it for the first 15 years of its existence
this was because he never got his ideas to sped.
at the heart of spreading ideas is the t.v industrial complex.
But now t.v is no longer working.
the obvious reason is because we want to just ignore stuff.
you need to make it remarkable
the top selling DVDs changes every week because everyone wants whats new.
marketers used to make average products for average people
they would ignore some people
you need to find a group that is obsessed with the product
sell to people who are listening
the riskiest thing you can do is be safe
very good is bad
be remarkable
dont be boring or like everybody else
this was because he never got his ideas to sped.
at the heart of spreading ideas is the t.v industrial complex.
But now t.v is no longer working.
the obvious reason is because we want to just ignore stuff.
you need to make it remarkable

marketers used to make average products for average people
they would ignore some people
you need to find a group that is obsessed with the product
sell to people who are listening
the riskiest thing you can do is be safe
very good is bad
be remarkable
dont be boring or like everybody else
Friday, November 5, 2010
home depo
but he was bad at business
in september 1932 his partner aurther was born and was 13 years youngerhe wanted to become a sicatrist
but he didnt make it to harvard he was co owner of a pharmacy
his father died when he was 15 years oldhe played on affence and defense on his high school football team
he got A houners and was student [resedent
he moved from company to comany
eventually they both ended up working at the same company witch was a home hardware store called handy dan
they quit at handy dan and got the idea to start another compay that would put all other home hardeware store out of businessfor a base of operation they chose atlanta
they did not habe enought money to totally stock the store so they faked it
they used empty boxes
evryone was totally broke
one of the keys to there succees was how they trained and treated there employese
in the first year they lost almost one million dollars
but by the end of the second year they started makeing profit
the home depot destroyed all competettors
they grew more in the first 20 years then wal mart
in 1986 there sales top over a billion dollars
the home depot desided to sponser the olympics in 1992
in 1996 they were over 17 years old and had 500 store
home depot had a rival called lowes
this caused them to change management
marcus is now worth 1.6 billion
aurther is worth 1.3 billion
Thursday, November 4, 2010
fundementals of success
never stop learning
never give up
find out your streangths
love what you do
never top after failure
take risksplan carefully
failure is key
jump at opertunities
be a dreamer
know what you want
be willing to fail
take advantage of free education
hard work
sont do it for the money
be frugal
stick to your goals
dont procrastinate
learn from your mistakes
use your network
money is just a thing
have a back up plan
dont burn bridges
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
the hedgehog concept
a hedgehog concept is something that you are the best at in the world. when a hedge hog feels danger it rolls into a ball and nothing can hurt it. it is the best at doing that in the world.
my hedgehog concept is
my hedgehog concept is
Monday, November 1, 2010
the dragons
money had no feelings
he was middle class
his father died when he was very yong
his step father made him travel all over the world
his first job was at an ice cream parlor
he got fired on the second day of his job
after that he had never worked for anyone ever again
he did not want to be controlled he wanted to be his own master
you have to find a business you fall in love with
you are going to get rich and your not even going to notice it
bret wilson
he is very generoius
born in north battle ford saskatuwan
he had a good family life but not a very good school life
his first business was brokering oil fields
he was so busy at work that his wife divorced him
he sacrificed family for wealth wich was his biggest mistakes
he carried the lympic tourch through calgary
he created a pixxa empior from his bare hands
he is the creator of boston pizza
he wanted to be a cop
never grew up with credit card or a morgage
he joined the rcmp when he was 19 years od
he opened boston pizzas first franchise
didnt have a day off to 2 and a half years
he met someone named george melvin who became his partner
you have to jump at an opertunity when you see it
Arlene Dickinson
you earn your way into haveing money
she is a single mom with 4 children and started out with nothing
grew up very poor
she left home at 16
3 years later she was married and had 4 kids by the age of 27
her marrage ended in a divorce
she got a marketing job
meony cant make you happy
knowing who you are is the solution fot everything
Robert herjavec
he made comanies in computer software technology
he loves it because it seems real
who you are today is shaped by you experiances
he was raised by his aunt and uncle who are farmers
he always had encouragement
when robert was 8 years old his father went to jail
his family eneded up in toronto
his favorite part of being wealthy is haveung worth and self confedence
he is no more special then anyone and started out no better
now what?
this has showed me that it doesnt matter who you are are or what you started with

Thursday, October 28, 2010
jason bergen money concepts
owner of "money concepts"
graduate of sardis secondary 1991
went to college for a year and a half to become a weather man
he had the choice to take over someones company
worked at a credit union as a teller
moved to compant called sun life worked there for 5 and a half years
be nice to everyone because you never know who you will interact with later in life
worked with sun life finacal until 2005
has three partners had 4 advisers that worl out or their office been apart of money concepts since 2007
jack nicklause " the golden bear"
ranked world number 1 golfer from 1968 to 1977. when asked his secret he said that befor every shot he just imagines the exact shot in his mind
what is goal setting?
imagine what we want to happen from start to finish and writing down the steps along the way.
a goal without a plan of action is just a day dream
everyone in busness will fail at some point
learn from your failures
the power of compinding interest
RULE of 72
to double your money you take the interest percenage and divide it by 72
7 out of 10 people if they would loose there job they would be screwed
credit cards are bad!!!
create good habits early
time can work for you or against you
the key to getting ahead is to start as soon as possible
you can only blam yourself if you dont do it.
1. month
to have 3000 dollars in my saveings account by the bank by the end of october
6 month
my one month goal is to have 3000 dollars in my saveings acount and then still haveing enought money to last me until may when i start work again.
i wish to be able to run a half marathon in 2 30 hours or less
pass chemistry
have my motercycles liscense ans a motorcycle
Thursday, October 21, 2010
does school kill creativity
education is what is going to take you into the futer that you cant grasp
creativity is as important in education as literary
kids will take a chance they are not frightened of being wrong
if your not prepared to be wrong you will never be able to do creat anything
all children remain an artist
you grow out of creativity through education
as chilldren grow up we educatate from the wast up
intelligence is dinamic
creativity comes throught the interaction of haveing a deifferent way of doinr things
intellegence is distinkedif all insects were removed from the earth then the human race would die off within 50 years
if all humns were removed then life would fluorish
what can we do to personalize education to meet your needs?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
be frugal!
being frugal means to be very carfull with your money and how you save it. being frugal is ectremly important if you wish to be sucessfull.
sam walton
he was born on march 29 1918
he was active and inquisitive
sam had an outgoing and esay attitude
he sold milk from his cow
he joined the boy scouts. because of this he saved someones life from drowning
he was vice presedent and class presedent
he was quarter back at his high school
he was a leader
his first job was at a jc penny store
in 1942 he joined the army but did not make it into combate because of his physical
he was very frugal in order to make sure that he had lots of money in th bank
in 1945 with a 25 000 dollars he bought a store
he bought a pop corn machene and he put it outside so he could attracked customers
the store was makeing money
the owner of sams bulding would not re leese the building to sam because of his jelousy
he looked fot a new spot for a store and ended up going to bentonville
he bought a 5 and dime store in the town square
in the 1950s the econlmy was booming
he came up with the idea to put stuff on shelves this way he could have less emplyees and charge less
by 1960s he had one of the largest stores in america
he bought a plan
he also came up with discounting
he cam up with the name wal-mart
he stocked the new store with anything he could
the store made over a million dollars in the first year
he had had 18 stores in 1969 within 300 miles of the first
he died in april 5 1992
sam walton
he was born on march 29 1918
he was active and inquisitive
sam had an outgoing and esay attitude
he sold milk from his cow
he joined the boy scouts. because of this he saved someones life from drowning
he was vice presedent and class presedent
he was quarter back at his high school
he was a leader
his first job was at a jc penny store
in 1942 he joined the army but did not make it into combate because of his physical
he was very frugal in order to make sure that he had lots of money in th bank
in 1945 with a 25 000 dollars he bought a store
he bought a pop corn machene and he put it outside so he could attracked customers
the store was makeing money
the owner of sams bulding would not re leese the building to sam because of his jelousy
he looked fot a new spot for a store and ended up going to bentonville
he bought a 5 and dime store in the town square
in the 1950s the econlmy was booming
he came up with the idea to put stuff on shelves this way he could have less emplyees and charge less
by 1960s he had one of the largest stores in america
he bought a plan
he also came up with discounting
he cam up with the name wal-mart
he stocked the new store with anything he could
the store made over a million dollars in the first year
he had had 18 stores in 1969 within 300 miles of the first
he died in april 5 1992
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
mr todds pie factory
$460,000 for 10%
the sweet potato pie makes up over 50 % of the company
he is succesful becasuse he is passionate about it
be willing to give up for your busnessess successs
the sweet potato pie makes up over 50 % of the company
he is succesful becasuse he is passionate about it
be willing to give up for your busnessess successs
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
bill gates
bill gates was born on oct 9 1955. he loved testing himself mentally and physically. he was a geniouse in math and sceinnce and had a great love of computers. he became good friends with paul allan and together they started there first company when bill was only 15 years old. then in the summer of 1975 together they formed microsoft. by 1978 microsoft was huge and 40% of the worlds computers ran on his software. one of his streanghts was that he would challenge anything alway male things bettter. he became a billionar at the age of 31. he is the greatest busness man of the 21st century!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
canadas top 100
this companey is great because of all the benifits that they offer for there new emplyees.
these are all some of the things that they offer:
career planning services
flexible work hours
health benefits for new employees
in-house training program
mentotinf program
online training program
the work place was rated as being exeptional
the work atmospher is very casual and fun they hold lots of parties and organized sporting events
it has and A rating for training and skills development
Next Level Games Inc.
has an exceptional work atmospher!.workers are allowed to listen to music or can even bring their pets to work if necessary. its ectremly causual and a fun place to work.
it also has a huge amount of time of. you can have a totall of more then 5 weeks of vacation and 30 paid sick days.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Dave thomas
-started the wendys restaurant
-was born during the great deperession and was adopted
-his adopted mother died when he was 5 and he was raised by his stricked father
-he ate every meal in resturants
-he worked the night shirft at a resturant
-he wasnt even a teenager and he had a full time job
-he was liveing on his own at the age of 15
-in 1950 when he was 18 years old he joined the army
-he took cook school
-but failed as a baker
-he retured in 1953 and met his wife
-he got married in 1954
-he worked his way up to manager in 1954
-had for children in 6 years
-kearnal sanders and dave met and became good friends and together they tried to make kentuky fried chicken
-he sold kentuky fried chicken for 3 million dollars
-in 1969 dave had an idea of an old fation hamburger
-but he cold not come up with a name he named it after his daughter wendy
-the first wendys opened in november 1969
--His life was work
-in the first 2 years there were 500 wendys
-he came up with the drive through window
-was born during the great deperession and was adopted
-his adopted mother died when he was 5 and he was raised by his stricked father
-he ate every meal in resturants
-he worked the night shirft at a resturant
-he wasnt even a teenager and he had a full time job
-he was liveing on his own at the age of 15
-in 1950 when he was 18 years old he joined the army
-he took cook school
-but failed as a baker
-he retured in 1953 and met his wife
-he got married in 1954
-he worked his way up to manager in 1954
-had for children in 6 years
-kearnal sanders and dave met and became good friends and together they tried to make kentuky fried chicken
-he sold kentuky fried chicken for 3 million dollars
-in 1969 dave had an idea of an old fation hamburger
-but he cold not come up with a name he named it after his daughter wendy
-the first wendys opened in november 1969
--His life was work
-in the first 2 years there were 500 wendys
-he came up with the drive through window
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
money from nothing!!!
went door to door collecting pop cans
totall profit $39.21
Lawn jobs and car wash
washed cars and mowed lawns
totall profit 80 dollars
auto expositing and advertising
contacted people to se if they would pay for the advertising
totall profit 0 dollars
holy shirts and pants
they sold there own old shirts and pantspfofit was 184 dollars
KJA home and car services
they offered car and home services
profit was 0 dollars
ticket scalping
tried to sell tickets
profit was 0 dollars
beaktime childcare
babey sitting
profit was 0 dollars
scratch n sniff dog walking
dog walking
total profit was 604.59 dollars
errand runners
went to local retirement communitys and handed out flyers for errands they would do
0 dollars
T and E recycling
they went to a couple bussness and got scrap metal and cardbored
totall profit 128 dollars
green enterprises
ben fixed and sold car and audio systems
total profit 785 dollars
JJF fire wood
his dad owned something were he got and attempted to sell bundles of fire wood
total profit 0 dollars
Monday, October 4, 2010
picking a winner
what i like to do
golf-golf lessons-buy and sell golf clubs-
skiing-skiing lessons-creat a ski trip
my job
hangout with friends-creat a cool hangout for teens
sleep-start a mattress company
play video games
What am i really good at
What market need do i see
i see a market need for golf balls-find and clean golf balls
for a good place to go and hangout-creat a cool place where teens would want to go to hang out
golf-golf lessons-buy and sell golf clubs-
skiing-skiing lessons-creat a ski trip
my job
hangout with friends-creat a cool hangout for teens
sleep-start a mattress company
play video games
What am i really good at
What market need do i see
i see a market need for golf balls-find and clean golf balls
for a good place to go and hangout-creat a cool place where teens would want to go to hang out
Thursday, September 30, 2010
kelly johnston
e-myth revisited (book)
didnt have very much money and i fhe wanted to do something he had to get the money himself
decided when he was yong that he didnt want to worry about money because money is just a thing
never finished getting a degree
loved drama
didnt care about being famouse he did it because it was his passion
money is just a thing
dont do it for the money
had an idea of opening a coffe shop
had everything all planned out
met someone in vancouve and by chance met someone who also wanted to open up a coffe shop
opened one up in vancouver
whateve the mind can concieve and believe it can achieve
the coffe shop completly failed! after 2 years he went bank rupt
took a realtor course
to become the man ontop it has to be you idea your passion and your creaativity
you will screw up
in busness there will always be ups and downs but you have to try and level it out as much as possible
you cant do it all yourself
evrything cycles
always be ready for the worst
you dont drive a car looking in the rear veiw mirror or you will crash
learn from the past but dont dwell on the past
you get succesefull throught realationships
decide on a goal and go get it
nothign happens without action
fill yourself up
find out what your ruter is
the power of fucos and visulization
if you take an idea and a goal and you keep visulizing it
live life like it should be lived
dont do everything for money
the money will come
success is a jorney
no one is teling you what you are worth
in busness you are worth exactly what you think you are worth
you are your own boss!
focus on the WHAT
the WHY is the biggest thing
bring key people into your cirle seerounf yourself eith good people
you have to be the central enery source
always creatate a WIN WIN situattion
keep your eye on the goal and you wont see the speed bumps
feed the positives
master all the arts of business
owns amorgage company
been a realtor sinse 1997
start of entrepuner career when he was 5
moved onto the chicken farmdidnt have very much money and i fhe wanted to do something he had to get the money himself
decided when he was yong that he didnt want to worry about money because money is just a thing
never finished getting a degree
loved drama
tried to get into acting even got an agent
got a lead role in a t.v show
was makeing more then 1000 bucks a daydidnt care about being famouse he did it because it was his passion
money is just a thing
dont do it for the money
had an idea of opening a coffe shop
had everything all planned out
met someone in vancouve and by chance met someone who also wanted to open up a coffe shop
opened one up in vancouver
whateve the mind can concieve and believe it can achieve
the coffe shop completly failed! after 2 years he went bank rupt
took a realtor course
to become the man ontop it has to be you idea your passion and your creaativity
you will screw up
in busness there will always be ups and downs but you have to try and level it out as much as possible
you cant do it all yourself
evrything cycles
always be ready for the worst
you dont drive a car looking in the rear veiw mirror or you will crash
learn from the past but dont dwell on the past
you get succesefull throught realationships
decide on a goal and go get it
nothign happens without action
fill yourself up
find out what your ruter is
the power of fucos and visulization
if you take an idea and a goal and you keep visulizing it
live life like it should be lived
dont do everything for money
the money will come
success is a jorney
no one is teling you what you are worth
in busness you are worth exactly what you think you are worth
you are your own boss!
focus on the WHAT
the WHY is the biggest thing
bring key people into your cirle seerounf yourself eith good people
you have to be the central enery source
always creatate a WIN WIN situattion
keep your eye on the goal and you wont see the speed bumps
feed the positives
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
young entreprenures
evan williams (twitter)
started with odeo.
launched twitter as a side prject for odeo.
also launched bloggers .
users shape system.
anyon can add there own programs to twillter.
polititians use it (oboma).
follow your hunch always keep your eyes open.
google goes after people who are good entrpenures and go getters.
if you have been there for a week and have an idea of how things should be run then you can say it.
in a postiton to make a difference to people you have never met
no formula.
larry page (creator of google)
if someone has an idea they generally let them do it.
they will try stuff for fun and just see where it goes.
keeps inovative-apps.
have really fun culture at the company.
makes money throght adds.
started with odeo.
launched twitter as a side prject for odeo.
also launched bloggers .
users shape system.
anyon can add there own programs to twillter.
polititians use it (oboma).
follow your hunch always keep your eyes open.
google goes after people who are good entrpenures and go getters.
if you have been there for a week and have an idea of how things should be run then you can say it.
in a postiton to make a difference to people you have never met
no formula.
larry page (creator of google)
if someone has an idea they generally let them do it.
they will try stuff for fun and just see where it goes.
keeps inovative-apps.
have really fun culture at the company.
makes money throght adds.
Monday, September 27, 2010
hunks hauling junk/ college foxes moving boxes
I think that the hauling junk bussiness is really great. its a good idea because people will always have junk and you will always have lots of emplyees. tis is also good because it will attract lots of females that will want hunks hauling thier junk. that is also why i think that foxes moving boxes is good aswell. they realized that they would also be able to attract guys who want college girls helping them move. one issue i have with this is also people may not want to hire some college girls because they feel like it is sexist.
creats a free thinking / hang-out culture
harverd students only>high schools>adults>new software
changeing politics
currently valued at 15 billion dollars
selling adds
he turned down 1 billion dollars
he has created an enviroment were everyone is the same
keep everybody on an even playing fieldFriday, September 24, 2010
keep a ledger
if he was asked what he was going to do with his life he would anserw that he would make 100,000 dollars.
he was not concerned with the fourtune he made but the fourtune he saved.
lived very simply even thought he had lots of money.
if he was asked what he was going to do with his life he would anserw that he would make 100,000 dollars.
he was not concerned with the fourtune he made but the fourtune he saved.
lived very simply even thought he had lots of money.
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