master all the arts of business
owns amorgage company
been a realtor sinse 1997
start of entrepuner career when he was 5
moved onto the chicken farmdidnt have very much money and i fhe wanted to do something he had to get the money himself
decided when he was yong that he didnt want to worry about money because money is just a thing
never finished getting a degree
loved drama
tried to get into acting even got an agent
got a lead role in a t.v show
was makeing more then 1000 bucks a daydidnt care about being famouse he did it because it was his passion
money is just a thing
dont do it for the money
had an idea of opening a coffe shop
had everything all planned out
met someone in vancouve and by chance met someone who also wanted to open up a coffe shop
opened one up in vancouver
whateve the mind can concieve and believe it can achieve
the coffe shop completly failed! after 2 years he went bank rupt
took a realtor course
to become the man ontop it has to be you idea your passion and your creaativity
you will screw up
in busness there will always be ups and downs but you have to try and level it out as much as possible
you cant do it all yourself
evrything cycles
always be ready for the worst
you dont drive a car looking in the rear veiw mirror or you will crash
learn from the past but dont dwell on the past
you get succesefull throught realationships
decide on a goal and go get it
nothign happens without action
fill yourself up
find out what your ruter is
the power of fucos and visulization
if you take an idea and a goal and you keep visulizing it
live life like it should be lived
dont do everything for money
the money will come
success is a jorney
no one is teling you what you are worth
in busness you are worth exactly what you think you are worth
you are your own boss!
focus on the WHAT
the WHY is the biggest thing
bring key people into your cirle seerounf yourself eith good people
you have to be the central enery source
always creatate a WIN WIN situattion
keep your eye on the goal and you wont see the speed bumps
feed the positives