macdonalds is the most well known brand in the world
ray was born in chicago in 1902
ray had a brother and a sister
in 1905 they moved to oke park in chicago
ray enjoyed helping his mother with the house work
when he was 4 years old he went to someone who told them that he will be successfull in the food industry
he worked in a grocery store
he began to see the world as one big place to sell to
he would not take no for an answer
he loved baseball
je soon realized that his baseball and school work would not make him rich
when he was 16 he joined the red cross because he was to young to join the army
the did not finish school
he wanted to get married but his father would not let him unless he was steadily employed
he was a born sales man
he was a cleaen freek
the soda fountain was something that was in every city and he came up with the idea to sell drinks to go
he sold paper cups for 16 years
work was evertythinf to him
at 37 he made alot of money selling the multi mixture milsake machine
at the age of 50 his sales started to slow down
in the late 1920s the mcdonalds founders opened a thearter
he realized that the hot dog stand was the only thriveing business in the area
they started there own hot dog stand
they then opened a small resturant called macdonalds
they ran the most sucesfull drivein around for 6 years
they came up with multiple inventions that made fast food possible
sales shot up 30% in three years
they had a limited menu but did it extremly well
they were the best at what they did
less in more
Kroc was 52 years old and had never seen anything like macdonalds
he wanted to make macdolads go international
kroc signed a contracted that allowed him to open his own macdonalds
in april 1955 he opened his own macdonalds resturant
he made sure that it was spotless
Kroc sold 18 franchises in his first year
he met someone named harry sunborn he showed him how to make money not from hamburgers but from renting out realistate
he wanted to open 1000 macdonalds from cost to cost
in 1961 he ended his marrge with his wife to pursu another woman
he then got rejected but her and was heart broken
he located his restuarnts buy finding churchs
he was succesful because he had a formula
he created something called the hamburger university to train his emplyess so everythign would be perfect
he wanted to buy the macdonalds out the brothers wanted 2.7 million each
he opened up a macdonalds across the street from the big M
he realied on the wisdom of the fanchisis to make the menue
he had americas pocketbook down but not the stomche
he came up with focussing on the kids buy creating ronald macdonald
he passed away at the age of 81