he is tghe CEO of a huge building cleaning service call ABM
he is goin gundercover in his company to see how his company ra3elly works
he ended up speeding while driveing
the person who was training him said that he was doing a terrible job
he was told that he was not doing a very good job
he did not get the job
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
famouse entreprenures
Donald Trump
he went bankrupt in the 90s but managed to gain that money back in the past 13 years
his bigest motivation was to become the best of the best
richard branson
he was dislexic but that didnt stop him from acheiveing his goals
'how you treat others counts'
"be willing to sella business to save an empire"
Herb Kelleher
created southwest airlines
wrote the besiness plan on a napkin
only had one business and it was extremly succesfull
only invested 10000 dolalrs into the business
Orville Redenbacher
born in 1924
his first venture was a small pop corn stand
had only one business and it was extremly successfull
face the risks learn from your faliurs
Howard shultz
his motivation was to build a compamy that his father never had a chance to work for
when he was asked what he wanted to do with his life he would anser by saying he wasnted to make 100,000 dollars.
when he died he had far surpased his goal and died as one of the riches men in the world
all of his businesss were extremly successfull
keep tack of your money
Bill Gates
founder of microsoft
he started off just because he loved computers and would do it in his spare time just for fun
he had an incredible amount of passion for computers
Walt Disney
is manly known for of course his entertainment
he died at the age of 67
he created some of the most famouse fictional characters in the world
Jim pattison
he was self motivated
wanted to help out his family so thats what motivated him
he had multiple bissiness
including save on foods and
Martha Stuart
was a very average girl
she got her inspiration of he mom
he first ventuer was a high end caterer
she was very difficult to work with
has had to deal with the fact that she is a women in a mens business world
Dave Thomos
created his burgers square becaus ehe doesnt like to cut corners
his mentor was curnel sanders the creator of KFC
the first one to add a drive through to his resturant
he had a passion for food
he was a million air at the age 35
hennry ford
was mentored by tohmas edison
he has started one real business and it was extremly succesfull
he has forever changed the car industry
Phile Knight
co founder of nike
the first year they didnt make much
bill bower man wa his coach and his partner
nike is now worth 11.1 billion dollars is one of the richest people in the world
"you cant explain much in 60s but if you show michale jordan you dont have to its that simple"
he went bankrupt in the 90s but managed to gain that money back in the past 13 years
his bigest motivation was to become the best of the best
richard branson
he was dislexic but that didnt stop him from acheiveing his goals
'how you treat others counts'
"be willing to sella business to save an empire"
Herb Kelleher
created southwest airlines
wrote the besiness plan on a napkin
only had one business and it was extremly succesfull
only invested 10000 dolalrs into the business
Orville Redenbacher
born in 1924
his first venture was a small pop corn stand
had only one business and it was extremly successfull
face the risks learn from your faliurs
Howard shultz
his motivation was to build a compamy that his father never had a chance to work for
when he was asked what he wanted to do with his life he would anser by saying he wasnted to make 100,000 dollars.
when he died he had far surpased his goal and died as one of the riches men in the world
all of his businesss were extremly successfull
keep tack of your money
Bill Gates
founder of microsoft
he started off just because he loved computers and would do it in his spare time just for fun
he had an incredible amount of passion for computers
Walt Disney
is manly known for of course his entertainment
he died at the age of 67
he created some of the most famouse fictional characters in the world
Jim pattison
he was self motivated
wanted to help out his family so thats what motivated him
he had multiple bissiness
including save on foods and
Martha Stuart
was a very average girl
she got her inspiration of he mom
he first ventuer was a high end caterer
she was very difficult to work with
has had to deal with the fact that she is a women in a mens business world
Dave Thomos
created his burgers square becaus ehe doesnt like to cut corners
his mentor was curnel sanders the creator of KFC
the first one to add a drive through to his resturant
he had a passion for food
he was a million air at the age 35
hennry ford
was mentored by tohmas edison
he has started one real business and it was extremly succesfull
he has forever changed the car industry
Phile Knight
co founder of nike
the first year they didnt make much
bill bower man wa his coach and his partner
nike is now worth 11.1 billion dollars is one of the richest people in the world
"you cant explain much in 60s but if you show michale jordan you dont have to its that simple"
Friday, December 10, 2010
conrad hilton. hilton hotel
conrad hilton built a hotel chain from the ground up
he was born in 1887 in new mexico
his father owned the towns general store
his father taought him hard work
his mother taught him the cathilic faith
he was good at schoool
working at he general store gave him insight into the hotel business
conrad had 8 brothers and sisters
conrad decided to enter into politics
hilton was determained to strike out on his own
hilton wanted to open a bank his father suggested against it but he wasnted to anyways
the bank closed after only a year
when world war started he went to war in france
his father died when he was at war
his father died in the towns first car accendent
he missed his fathers funeral
in the spring of 1919 he went to texas for oil
while in texas he went to a hotel and realized how full the place was
he decided to buy a bank for 4000 dollars
the mobly was a huge success!
he made soo much profit that he was able to buy hotels in other areas
by 1925 he had 8 hotels
he met a girl and got married
his family had 3 sons
by the end of the 20s he was putting up hotles everywhere
the great depression was ruining his business
in less then a year he lost everything but one hotle
he got money from where ever he could and wa able to pay his lease
he managed to gain a rock solid reputation
his family life took a tole and he got a divourse
because of the second world war propertie prices plumited and he baought an extremly nice hotel for almost nothing
he went to new york and he baught a couple more hotles his business was back on top
he was devistated by his mothers death
he was born in 1887 in new mexico
his father owned the towns general store
his father taought him hard work
his mother taught him the cathilic faith
he was good at schoool
working at he general store gave him insight into the hotel business
conrad had 8 brothers and sisters
conrad decided to enter into politics
hilton was determained to strike out on his own
hilton wanted to open a bank his father suggested against it but he wasnted to anyways
the bank closed after only a year
when world war started he went to war in france
his father died when he was at war
his father died in the towns first car accendent
he missed his fathers funeral
in the spring of 1919 he went to texas for oil
while in texas he went to a hotel and realized how full the place was
he decided to buy a bank for 4000 dollars
the mobly was a huge success!
he made soo much profit that he was able to buy hotels in other areas
by 1925 he had 8 hotels
he met a girl and got married
his family had 3 sons
by the end of the 20s he was putting up hotles everywhere
the great depression was ruining his business
in less then a year he lost everything but one hotle
he got money from where ever he could and wa able to pay his lease
he managed to gain a rock solid reputation
his family life took a tole and he got a divourse
because of the second world war propertie prices plumited and he baought an extremly nice hotel for almost nothing
he went to new york and he baught a couple more hotles his business was back on top
he was devistated by his mothers death
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Melanie Hovlker utopia acadeamy
the school has 3 sections
one great thing about the acadeamy is you dont necacarally have to work at the spa
she was needed at least a c+ in english to get into college
this was a big problem for her
she did not have an overall focus
she did not know what she wanted to do
her dad sugested for her to try hair design
little did she know her dad had already aplied her for the school and got her in
she did not enjoy it at first but eventuall it tuned into one of her passions
she had a very hard time getting a job but eventually she got one in a strip mall in abby it was not very big
on her first day he left her alone in the salon and nobody came
she waited it out and on the second day she got 2 customers and she only made 10 dollars in an 8 hour period
her first pay check was 34 dollars
her dad told her to quit and never go back
her dad told her to hand out as many resumes every where she could
she got a job at great clips
at this job her first ay check was still only 281 dollars
after 2 weeks she decided that it wasnt the place for her so she quite
this time she went to her instuctor who got her a job no problem
this job was basically an assistant
she stayed there for a year because she still wasnt doing what she wanted
when she told her that she was leaving he wanted her to stay sooo bad that she offered to pay for her gas and for her to live in hi sbasement
hard work pays off even if you dont ask for anything
when you want something just go get it
she worked at a salon in chlliwack for 2 yearsshe got a job as a master styalist at another salon in chilliwack
she decided to move on from there because she knew she would not move up
she then got a job at utopia achedemy
its all about passion if you dont have passion your not going to be good
one great thing about the acadeamy is you dont necacarally have to work at the spa
she was needed at least a c+ in english to get into college
this was a big problem for her
she did not have an overall focus
she did not know what she wanted to do
her dad sugested for her to try hair design
little did she know her dad had already aplied her for the school and got her in
she did not enjoy it at first but eventuall it tuned into one of her passions
she had a very hard time getting a job but eventually she got one in a strip mall in abby it was not very big
on her first day he left her alone in the salon and nobody came
she waited it out and on the second day she got 2 customers and she only made 10 dollars in an 8 hour period
her first pay check was 34 dollars
her dad told her to quit and never go back
her dad told her to hand out as many resumes every where she could
she got a job at great clips
at this job her first ay check was still only 281 dollars
after 2 weeks she decided that it wasnt the place for her so she quite
this time she went to her instuctor who got her a job no problem
this job was basically an assistant
she stayed there for a year because she still wasnt doing what she wanted
when she told her that she was leaving he wanted her to stay sooo bad that she offered to pay for her gas and for her to live in hi sbasement
hard work pays off even if you dont ask for anything
when you want something just go get it
she worked at a salon in chlliwack for 2 yearsshe got a job as a master styalist at another salon in chilliwack
she decided to move on from there because she knew she would not move up
she then got a job at utopia achedemy
its all about passion if you dont have passion your not going to be good
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
the persuaders
advertisments are everywere you look
advertiseres are struggling to find space because they have created a vicouse circle of clutter
once your in you cant stop because the condumer will forget about you instantly
they decided that airlines had forgotten women so they questioned how they could make the airline better for them
these questioned have allowed them to advertise better
there add will not show any planes travallers or have anything to do with the actually planes
all it does is attract a certaom target market
does it go to the heart or the head
advertiseres are struggling to find space because they have created a vicouse circle of clutter
once your in you cant stop because the condumer will forget about you instantly
they decided that airlines had forgotten women so they questioned how they could make the airline better for them
these questioned have allowed them to advertise better
there add will not show any planes travallers or have anything to do with the actually planes
all it does is attract a certaom target market
does it go to the heart or the head
everything works you cant advertise by saying you are better then something elese
45 000 people decided to go look at a factory were there car was made for a vacationthey are looking for comunitie and meaning
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
the uro club
he was asking for 25000 dollars for 51% of the company
created by a surgen who studies urine
his pacient have uranting problems and they love golf
this product is trying to iliminat the problem of not having any bathrooms on golf courses
he has sold 3000 of them and has made 70000dollars
they sell for 34 dollars and cost him 8 dollars to make
most of the sharks are out because they themselfs would never use the product
he made the deal of 25000 dollars for 70%
created by a surgen who studies urine
his pacient have uranting problems and they love golf
this product is trying to iliminat the problem of not having any bathrooms on golf courses
he has sold 3000 of them and has made 70000dollars
they sell for 34 dollars and cost him 8 dollars to make
most of the sharks are out because they themselfs would never use the product
he made the deal of 25000 dollars for 70%

post it notes
it was created by a man who had a phd in organic chemistry
he was attempting to make super glue that didnt work
it took 12 years for him to eventuall turn it into post it notes
one of his friends was frustrated with book marks falling out of his books so he came upi with the idea for a sticky book mark
one day he wrote a not on the sticky book mark and suddenly realized that it was perfect!
there was noo machien that could manufactue these notes so he built one himself
the were offically realesed to the puplic in the 1980s
Friday, December 3, 2010
micheal clofford
he invests in failing universtieshe decided to buy grand canyon university because it was failing
people are comeing back to school to get a better education
when the economy goes down the education goes up
when the economy goes down everybody rushes to get a better education so they can get a better job
one of micheals friends got a university and ran it like a corperation
they designed the stock market for the customers
one of the most sucessful was grand canyon university
micheal bought it when it was just a small failing christan university
40000 students are now enrolled =in grand canyon university
90% of the students are enrolled online
online education is incridibly profitable
an online course cost about 500 dollarshe spent 25 million dollars on advertisment
they are spending more on getting you to the school then once your already there
there have been many law suits involveing enrollments
the law suits are becuase the iniversities are promising them that they will be able to get a job that will be good enought to easily pay off the loans but they are not
Thursday, December 2, 2010
50000 dollar for 25 %
there product solves the tangled head phon problems
been in business for 2 years the first year they made 11000 dollars the second year 35000
they sell them for 18 dollars and make them all themselves
it cost 3 dollars to make the product
the sharks are backing out because they dont have the proper patent
there product solves the tangled head phon problems
been in business for 2 years the first year they made 11000 dollars the second year 35000
they sell them for 18 dollars and make them all themselves
it cost 3 dollars to make the product
the sharks are backing out because they dont have the proper patent
pork barrel spice rub (shark tank)
they are asking for a 10% stake in there company for 50 000 dollars
the sharks think they have a great product but its unknown
they are valueing there company at half a million dollars
2 sharks have droped out because they think there is a problem with marketing
they made a deal of 50 000 dollars for a 50% stake of the company
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Uncle Levi
ask the question why
"suck it up your investing"
you can keep going by answer the question why
training is all realative
what should drive you is being able to creat something from nothing
being an entrprnure is a verb not a noun
the process changes
you must go through the process of discovering what your good at and what your not
be prepared to play many roles
it is going to be extremly stress full and exahsting
dont think about what you are owed but what you can contribute
did not graduate from university
all you need is to think you can do it
had been involed or 8 or 10 different companies
not all were sucsesfull
you have to just think about it
your imagination is going to try and creat something from nothing
you need to ask yourself how maney ways you can do this
often imagine
but you must balance it in the real world
so many start on somethinf but they dont have a plan
you need a plan!
you need a partner!
you need to get together with someone that you really like
dont do something that you dont like
if its something your not really passiont about then its going to be hard to stick with it
there needs to be somthing that seperates you from everthing eles
if you give them somethign that there not expecting its very powerfull
become a reader
if you spend 10000 hours at something you will become great at it
if you ask then you avoid making the mistakes yourself.
being in the poeple loveing business
when you really care about people they notice
always stay humble
always be prepared to do the lowest part of the job
find ways to have fun
most of your life will be spent at work so make it something that you enjoy doing
he made his work fun
business needs to have a fun componet to it because it creats loyalty
serate business and personal
it isnt healthy to be angry
consideer it a skill to let go and get over something
become finacally literit
if you want to start make money you have to be able to count for it
learn how to read a fiancal statement
learn how to read a balance sheet
put your self in a situation that test you AQ
the hard times will come
wait and be paciant
live in your margen
keep your money
there a tun of million airs that didnt make a tun of money they just learned how not to spend it
you shoundt try to be makeing money you should try to do something really well
figure out what you want to be like
give more then they expect
"suck it up your investing"
you can keep going by answer the question why
training is all realative
what should drive you is being able to creat something from nothing
being an entrprnure is a verb not a noun
the process changes
you must go through the process of discovering what your good at and what your not
be prepared to play many roles
it is going to be extremly stress full and exahsting
dont think about what you are owed but what you can contribute
did not graduate from university
all you need is to think you can do it
had been involed or 8 or 10 different companies
not all were sucsesfull
you have to just think about it
your imagination is going to try and creat something from nothing
you need to ask yourself how maney ways you can do this
often imagine
but you must balance it in the real world
so many start on somethinf but they dont have a plan
you need a plan!
you need a partner!
you need to get together with someone that you really like
dont do something that you dont like
if its something your not really passiont about then its going to be hard to stick with it
there needs to be somthing that seperates you from everthing eles
if you give them somethign that there not expecting its very powerfull
become a reader
if you spend 10000 hours at something you will become great at it
if you ask then you avoid making the mistakes yourself.
being in the poeple loveing business
when you really care about people they notice
always stay humble
always be prepared to do the lowest part of the job
find ways to have fun
most of your life will be spent at work so make it something that you enjoy doing
he made his work fun
business needs to have a fun componet to it because it creats loyalty
serate business and personal
it isnt healthy to be angry
consideer it a skill to let go and get over something
become finacally literit
if you want to start make money you have to be able to count for it
learn how to read a fiancal statement
learn how to read a balance sheet
put your self in a situation that test you AQ
the hard times will come
wait and be paciant
live in your margen
keep your money
there a tun of million airs that didnt make a tun of money they just learned how not to spend it
you shoundt try to be makeing money you should try to do something really well
figure out what you want to be like
give more then they expect
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