Friday, January 21, 2011

mike kind

had a crazy busy last month
about 2 months his apraisal business started to slow down so he needed to do somethign about it
during the second week of november they created 2 sites that were selling garbage trucks
he got an offer for 15 trucks and that he was going to be in new york

New York
Island park -(2)
rondekaman (1)
coopousberge PA (3)-(6)
washington DC
mananssas VA (3)
385,000 dollars us for the 15 trucks
miami (3)
flew to paniama to teach them how to use the trucks

made a huge amount of money in a couple of months! and has more orders coming.
found out that all of there clients were comeing from places like panima so they hired someone to convert there site to spanish
they are the only company right now that connects these countries to north america
take advantage of opertiunities
take what we already have here and bring them down to developing countries
focus on the internet, global, developing countries
our garbage is great down there

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


mitlton S hersy i know as the chocolate king
his father was full of ideas but he didnt have any percervirance
unlike his father hersy had many ideas and a lot of perserverance
his passion of cany came from his joba ta na ice cream shop
when he was 18 years old he started his first candy store
this failed so he tried again in new york which also failed
but then he came up with the delicouse caramel candy
his company exploded and he went from poverty to wealth in six years
he then descoverd chocolate and made it his goal to creat cheap afordable choclate for everybody
he sold his caramel company for 10000000 dollars and then put al of his money into his chocolate business
it was a HUGE successs.

Monday, January 10, 2011

warren buffett

he is one of the richest men in the world!
he had made his fortune from investing in businesses
he created a childrens TV show called "the secret milionars club"
this telivition show teaches good financal habbits

Friday, January 7, 2011


america was after good health
corn flakes
parents were christans
he wanted to be anything but a dockter when he got older
he loved books
one of the brothers learned that he was very good at business
one of the brothers became a docter even thought he hated blood
in 2 years he had his medicall degree
he made his life goal to make the world healthyer
people thought that fat was good for you
dr kellog had the idea to cure stuff not with stufffrom a bottler but from healthy living
he came up with many inventons that were designed to relax you much like a spa
the kellog brothers had a normal older brother yonger brother realationship
dr kellpg would always were whilte because he knew that it reflex the sun
when he asked his brother to come up with a supstitutin to meatn
then then came up with a small flake of corn
in 1941 he becam a surgen
in an attempt to re crat a cereal they ended up stumbling apon corn flakes
by 1912 over 100 ceriall companyes had been created from the flaked corn idea
the kellogs brothers seperated and created companeys under the same name
after the great depression dr kellog went insain because of the lose of his company
he ended up dieing at the age of 91

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sharl tank pitch analysis

jump forward

they have a good introduction of themselves
they also tell a story about what there company is all about
they stat the problem and how to solve it
first question was how do you make money?
they had an extremy well said rebuttle
the pitch worked because they had a good story and background  pluse a very good pitch of there product and they were likeable

happiness products
he dream is to spred happiness across the world
she tells a very good story.
her products are basically
she is likaable but she does not have the numbers
good pitch but bad product and numbers..."numbers never lie"
she is much to emotianal!!
its not a business