Friday, January 21, 2011

mike kind

had a crazy busy last month
about 2 months his apraisal business started to slow down so he needed to do somethign about it
during the second week of november they created 2 sites that were selling garbage trucks
he got an offer for 15 trucks and that he was going to be in new york

New York
Island park -(2)
rondekaman (1)
coopousberge PA (3)-(6)
washington DC
mananssas VA (3)
385,000 dollars us for the 15 trucks
miami (3)
flew to paniama to teach them how to use the trucks

made a huge amount of money in a couple of months! and has more orders coming.
found out that all of there clients were comeing from places like panima so they hired someone to convert there site to spanish
they are the only company right now that connects these countries to north america
take advantage of opertiunities
take what we already have here and bring them down to developing countries
focus on the internet, global, developing countries
our garbage is great down there

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