Friday, September 10, 2010

richard branson

Richard Branson
- owner of virgin
-left school at the age of 15 and is dislexic
-owns over 50 companies worth over 50 billion dollars
-He belives that "If you can run one company you can run any comany"
-Some of his Quote are:
                                     "life is one long learning process"
                                      "if you dont like something then create something thats better"(air line)
                                      "big dividing line between successe and failure"
                                       "must take big risks" (sold the 4 biggest record company for the 25th biggest airplane company)

1 how you treat others
2 courage: willness to put yourself at risk
3 value added (a nicer experiance)
   starbucks V.S timhortons
4 leap into the unknown
5 willing to serve others
6 caculated risk
pick on someone bigger then you
look for co's that lack value for $
everthing is negotiable

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