Tuesday, September 28, 2010

young entreprenures

evan williams (twitter)
started with odeo.
launched twitter as a side prject for odeo.
also launched bloggers .
 users shape system.
anyon can add there own programs to twillter.
polititians use it (oboma).
follow your hunch always keep your eyes open.

google goes after people who are good entrpenures and go getters.
if you have been there for a week and have an idea of how things should be run then you can say it.
in a postiton to make a difference to people you have never met
no formula.

larry page (creator of google)
if someone has an idea they generally let them do it.
they will try stuff  for fun and just see where it goes.
keeps inovative-apps.
have really fun culture at the company.
makes money throght adds.

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