Thursday, October 28, 2010

jason bergen money concepts

owner of "money concepts"
graduate of sardis secondary 1991
went to college for a year and a half to become a weather man
he had the choice to take over someones company
worked at a credit union as a teller
moved to compant called sun life worked there for 5 and a half years
be nice to everyone because you never know who you will interact with later in life
worked with sun life finacal until 2005
has three partners had 4 advisers that worl out or their office
been apart of money concepts since 2007

jack nicklause " the golden bear"
ranked world number 1 golfer from 1968 to 1977. when asked his secret he said that befor every shot he just imagines the exact shot in his mind

what is goal setting?
imagine what we want to happen from start to finish and writing down the steps along the way.

a goal without a plan of action is just a day dream
everyone in busness will fail at some point
learn from your failures

the power of compinding interest
RULE of 72
to double your money you take the interest percenage and divide it by 72
7 out of 10 people if they would loose there job they would be screwed
credit cards are bad!!!

create good habits early
time can work for you or against you
the key to getting ahead is to start as soon as possible

you can only blam yourself if you dont do it.


 1. month
 to have 3000 dollars in my saveings account by the bank by the end of october          
  6 month
my one month goal is to have 3000 dollars in my saveings acount and then still haveing enought money to last me until may when i start work again.

i wish to be able to run a half marathon in 2 30 hours or less

pass chemistry

have my  motercycles liscense ans a motorcycle

Thursday, October 21, 2010

does school kill creativity

education is something that goes deep with people
education is what is going to take you into the futer that you cant grasp
creativity is as important in education as literary
kids will take a chance they are not frightened of being wrong
if your not prepared to be wrong you will never be able to do creat anything
all children remain an artist
you grow out of creativity through education
as chilldren grow up we educatate from the wast up
intelligence is dinamic
creativity comes throught the interaction of haveing a deifferent way of doinr things
intellegence is distinked
if all insects were removed from the earth then the human race would die off within 50 years
if all humns were removed then life would fluorish

what can we do to personalize education to meet your needs?

organize classes not by grade but by ability level and intrests.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

be frugal!

being frugal means to be very carfull with your money and how you save it. being frugal is ectremly important if you wish to be sucessfull.
 sam walton
he was born on march 29 1918
he was active and inquisitive
sam had an outgoing and esay attitude
he sold milk from his cow
he joined the boy scouts. because of this he saved someones life from drowning
he was vice presedent and class presedent
he was quarter back at his high school
he was a leader
his first job was at a jc penny store
in 1942 he joined the army but did not make it into combate because of his physical
he was very frugal in order to make sure that he had lots of money in th bank
in 1945 with a 25 000 dollars he bought a store
he bought a pop corn machene and he put it outside so he could attracked customers
the store was makeing money
the owner of sams bulding would not re leese the building to sam because of his jelousy
he looked fot a new spot for a store and ended up going to bentonville
he bought a 5 and dime store in the town square
in the 1950s the econlmy was booming
he came up with the idea to put stuff on shelves this way he could have less emplyees and charge less
by 1960s he had one of the largest stores in america
he bought a plan
he also came up with discounting
he cam up with the name wal-mart
he stocked the new store with anything he could
the store made over a million dollars in the first year
he had had 18 stores in 1969 within 300 miles of the first
he died in april 5 1992

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

mr todds pie factory

$460,000 for 10%
the sweet potato pie makes up over 50 % of the company
he is succesful becasuse he is passionate about it
be willing to give up for your busnessess successs

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

bill gates

bill gates was born on oct 9 1955. he loved testing himself mentally and physically. he was a geniouse in math and sceinnce and had a great love of computers. he became good friends with paul allan and together they started there first company when bill was only 15 years old. then in the summer of 1975 together they formed microsoft. by 1978 microsoft was huge and 40% of the worlds computers ran on his software. one of his streanghts was that he would challenge anything alway male things bettter. he became a billionar at the age of 31. he is the greatest busness man of the 21st century!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

canadas top 100

nintendo company of canada
this companey is great because of all the benifits that they offer for there new emplyees.
these are all some of the things that they offer:

career planning services
flexible work hours

health benefits for new employees
in-house training program

mentotinf program
online training program

tuituion subsides

British Columbia Lottery CorporationBritish Columbia Lottery Corporation
the work place was rated as being exeptional
the work atmospher is very casual and fun they hold lots of parties and organized sporting events
it has and A rating for training and skills development
Next Level Games Inc.
has an exceptional work atmospher!.workers are allowed to listen to music or can even bring their pets to work if necessary. its ectremly causual and a fun place to work.
it also has a huge amount of time of. you can have a totall of more then 5 weeks of vacation and 30 paid sick days.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dave thomas

-started the wendys restaurant
-was born during the great deperession and was adopted
-his adopted mother died when he was 5 and he was raised by his stricked father
-he ate every meal in resturants
-he worked the night shirft at a resturant
-he wasnt even a teenager and he had a full time job
-he was liveing on his own at the age of 15
-in 1950 when he was 18 years old he joined the army
-he took cook school
-but failed as a baker
-he retured in 1953 and met his wife
-he got married in 1954
-he worked his way up to manager in 1954
-had for children in 6 years
-kearnal sanders and dave met and became good friends and together they tried to make kentuky fried chicken
-he sold kentuky fried chicken for 3 million dollars
-in 1969 dave had an idea of an old fation hamburger
-but he cold not come up with a name he named it after his daughter wendy
-the first wendys opened in november 1969
--His life was work
-in the first 2 years there were 500 wendys
-he came up with the drive through window

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

money from nothing!!!

cans for cash
went door to door collecting pop cans
totall profit $39.21

Lawn jobs and car wash
washed cars and mowed lawns
totall profit 80 dollars

auto expositing and advertising
contacted people to se if they would pay for the advertising
totall profit 0 dollars

holy shirts and pants
they sold there own old shirts and pants
pfofit was 184 dollars

KJA home and car services
they offered car and home services
profit was 0 dollars

ticket scalping
tried to sell tickets
profit was 0 dollars

beaktime childcare
babey sitting
profit was 0 dollars

scratch n sniff dog walking
dog walking
total profit was 604.59 dollars

errand runners
went to local retirement communitys and handed out flyers for errands they would do
0 dollars

T and E recycling
they went to a couple bussness and got scrap metal and cardbored
totall profit 128 dollars

green enterprises
ben fixed and sold car and audio systems
total profit 785 dollars

JJF fire wood
his dad owned something were he got and attempted to sell bundles of fire wood
total profit 0 dollars

Monday, October 4, 2010

picking a winner

what i like to do
golf-golf lessons-buy and sell golf clubs-
skiing-skiing lessons-creat a ski trip
my job
hangout with friends-creat a cool hangout for teens
sleep-start a mattress company
play video games

What am i really good at

What market need do i see
i see a market need for golf balls-find and clean golf balls
for a good place to go and hangout-creat a cool place where teens would want to go to hang out