Friday, October 8, 2010

Dave thomas

-started the wendys restaurant
-was born during the great deperession and was adopted
-his adopted mother died when he was 5 and he was raised by his stricked father
-he ate every meal in resturants
-he worked the night shirft at a resturant
-he wasnt even a teenager and he had a full time job
-he was liveing on his own at the age of 15
-in 1950 when he was 18 years old he joined the army
-he took cook school
-but failed as a baker
-he retured in 1953 and met his wife
-he got married in 1954
-he worked his way up to manager in 1954
-had for children in 6 years
-kearnal sanders and dave met and became good friends and together they tried to make kentuky fried chicken
-he sold kentuky fried chicken for 3 million dollars
-in 1969 dave had an idea of an old fation hamburger
-but he cold not come up with a name he named it after his daughter wendy
-the first wendys opened in november 1969
--His life was work
-in the first 2 years there were 500 wendys
-he came up with the drive through window

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