Tuesday, October 12, 2010

canadas top 100

nintendo company of canada
this companey is great because of all the benifits that they offer for there new emplyees.
these are all some of the things that they offer:

career planning services
flexible work hours

health benefits for new employees
in-house training program

mentotinf program
online training program

tuituion subsides

British Columbia Lottery CorporationBritish Columbia Lottery Corporation
the work place was rated as being exeptional
the work atmospher is very casual and fun they hold lots of parties and organized sporting events
it has and A rating for training and skills development
Next Level Games Inc.
has an exceptional work atmospher!.workers are allowed to listen to music or can even bring their pets to work if necessary. its ectremly causual and a fun place to work.
it also has a huge amount of time of. you can have a totall of more then 5 weeks of vacation and 30 paid sick days.

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