Thursday, October 21, 2010

does school kill creativity

education is something that goes deep with people
education is what is going to take you into the futer that you cant grasp
creativity is as important in education as literary
kids will take a chance they are not frightened of being wrong
if your not prepared to be wrong you will never be able to do creat anything
all children remain an artist
you grow out of creativity through education
as chilldren grow up we educatate from the wast up
intelligence is dinamic
creativity comes throught the interaction of haveing a deifferent way of doinr things
intellegence is distinked
if all insects were removed from the earth then the human race would die off within 50 years
if all humns were removed then life would fluorish

what can we do to personalize education to meet your needs?

organize classes not by grade but by ability level and intrests.

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