Wednesday, October 20, 2010

be frugal!

being frugal means to be very carfull with your money and how you save it. being frugal is ectremly important if you wish to be sucessfull.
 sam walton
he was born on march 29 1918
he was active and inquisitive
sam had an outgoing and esay attitude
he sold milk from his cow
he joined the boy scouts. because of this he saved someones life from drowning
he was vice presedent and class presedent
he was quarter back at his high school
he was a leader
his first job was at a jc penny store
in 1942 he joined the army but did not make it into combate because of his physical
he was very frugal in order to make sure that he had lots of money in th bank
in 1945 with a 25 000 dollars he bought a store
he bought a pop corn machene and he put it outside so he could attracked customers
the store was makeing money
the owner of sams bulding would not re leese the building to sam because of his jelousy
he looked fot a new spot for a store and ended up going to bentonville
he bought a 5 and dime store in the town square
in the 1950s the econlmy was booming
he came up with the idea to put stuff on shelves this way he could have less emplyees and charge less
by 1960s he had one of the largest stores in america
he bought a plan
he also came up with discounting
he cam up with the name wal-mart
he stocked the new store with anything he could
the store made over a million dollars in the first year
he had had 18 stores in 1969 within 300 miles of the first
he died in april 5 1992

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