Friday, December 3, 2010


takes failing universites and buys them
micheal clofford
he invests in failing universties
he decided to buy grand canyon university because it was failing
people are comeing back to school to get a better education
when the economy goes down the education goes up
when the economy goes down everybody rushes to get a better education so they can get a better job
one of micheals friends got a university and ran it like a corperation
they designed the stock market for the customers
one of the most sucessful was grand canyon university
micheal bought it when it was just a small failing christan university
40000 students are now enrolled =in grand canyon university
90% of the students are enrolled online
online education is incridibly profitable
an online course cost about 500 dollars
he spent 25 million dollars on advertisment
they are spending more on getting you to the school then once your already there
there have been many law suits involveing enrollments
the law suits are becuase the iniversities are promising them that they will be able to get a job that will be good enought to easily pay off the loans but they are not

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