Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Uncle Levi

ask the question why
"suck it up your investing"
you can keep going by answer the question why
training is all realative
what should drive you is being able to creat something from nothing
being an entrprnure is a verb not a noun
the process changes
you must go through the process of discovering what your good at and what your not
be prepared to play many roles
it is going to be extremly stress full and exahsting
dont think about what you are owed but what you can contribute
did not graduate from university
all you need is to think you can do it
had been involed or 8 or 10 different companies
not all were sucsesfull
you have to just think about it
your imagination is going to try and creat something from nothing
you need to ask yourself how maney ways you can do this
often imagine
but you must balance it in the real world
so many start on somethinf but they dont have a plan
you need a plan!
you need a partner!
you need to get together with someone that you really like
dont do something that you dont like
if its  something your not really passiont about then its going to be hard to stick with it
there needs to be somthing that seperates you from everthing eles
if you give them somethign that there not expecting its very powerfull
become a reader
if you spend 10000 hours at something you will become great at it
if you ask then you avoid making the mistakes yourself.
being in the poeple loveing business
when you really care about people they notice
always stay humble
always be prepared to do the lowest part of the job
find ways to have fun
most of your life will be spent at work so make it something that you enjoy doing
he made his work fun
business needs to have a fun componet to it because it creats loyalty
serate business and personal
it isnt healthy to be angry
consideer it a skill to let go and get over something
become finacally literit
if you want to start make money you have to be able to count for it
learn how to read a fiancal statement
learn how to read a balance sheet
put your self  in a situation that test you AQ
the hard times will come
wait and be paciant
live in your margen
keep your money
there a tun of million airs that didnt make a tun of money they just learned how not to spend it
you shoundt try to be makeing money you should try to do something really well
figure out what you want to be like
give more then they expect

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