Tuesday, December 14, 2010

famouse entreprenures

Donald Trump
he went bankrupt in the 90s but managed to gain that money back in the past 13 years
his bigest motivation was to become the best of the best

richard branson
he was dislexic but that didnt stop him from acheiveing his goals
'how you treat others counts'
"be willing to sella business to save an empire"

Herb Kelleher
created southwest airlines
wrote the besiness plan on a napkin
only had one business and it was extremly succesfull
only invested 10000 dolalrs into the business

Orville Redenbacher
born in 1924
his first venture was a small pop corn stand
had only one business and it was extremly successfull
face the risks learn from your faliurs

Howard shultz
his motivation was to build a compamy that his father never had a chance to work for

when he was asked what he wanted to do with his life he would anser by saying he wasnted to make 100,000 dollars.
when he died he had far surpased his goal and died as one of the riches men in the world
all of his businesss were extremly successfull
keep tack of your money

Bill Gates
founder of microsoft
he started off just because he loved computers and would do it in his spare time just for fun
he had an incredible amount of passion for computers

Walt Disney
is manly known for of course his entertainment
he died at the age of 67
he created some of the most famouse fictional characters in the world

Jim pattison
he was self motivated
wanted to help out his family so thats what motivated him
he had multiple bissiness
including save on foods and 

Martha Stuart
was a very average girl
she got her inspiration of he mom
he first ventuer was a high end caterer
she was very difficult to work with
has had to deal with the fact that she is a women in a mens business world

Dave Thomos
created his burgers square becaus ehe doesnt like to cut corners
his mentor was curnel sanders the creator of KFC
the first one to add a drive through to his resturant
he had a passion for food
he was a million air at the age 35

hennry ford
was mentored by tohmas edison
he has started one real business and it was extremly succesfull
he has forever changed the car industry

Phile Knight
co founder of nike
the first year they didnt make much
bill bower man wa his coach and his partner
nike is now worth 11.1 billion dollars is one of the richest people in the world
"you cant explain much in 60s but if you show michale jordan you dont have to its that simple"

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