Friday, December 10, 2010

conrad hilton. hilton hotel

america in the 1940 was filled with entreprenures
conrad hilton built a hotel chain from the ground up
he was born in 1887 in new mexico
his father owned the towns general store
his father taought him hard work
his mother taught him the cathilic faith
he was good at schoool
working at he general store gave him insight into the hotel business
conrad had 8 brothers and sisters
conrad decided to enter into politics
hilton was determained to strike out on his own
hilton wanted to open a bank his father suggested against it but he wasnted to anyways
the bank closed after only a year
when world war started he went to war in france
his father died when he was at war
his father died in the towns first car accendent
he missed his fathers funeral
in the spring of 1919 he went to texas for oil
while in texas he went to a hotel and realized how full the place was
he decided to buy a bank for 4000 dollars
the mobly was a huge success!
he made soo much profit that he was able to buy hotels in other areas
by 1925 he had 8 hotels
he met a girl and got married
his family had 3 sons
by the end of the 20s he was putting up hotles everywhere
the great depression was ruining his business
in less then a year he lost everything but one hotle
he got money from where ever he could and wa able to pay his lease
he managed to gain a rock solid reputation
his family life took a tole and he got a divourse
because of the second world war propertie prices plumited and he baought an extremly nice hotel for almost nothing
he went to new york and he baught a couple more hotles his business was back on top
he was devistated by his mothers death

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