Friday, November 5, 2010

home depo

burneys father was a carpenter
but he was bad at business
in september 1932  his partner aurther was born and was 13 years younger
he wanted to become a sicatrist
but he didnt make it to harvard
he was co owner of a pharmacy
his father died when he was 15 years old
he played on affence and defense on his high school football team
he got A houners and was student [resedent
he moved from company to comany
eventually they both ended up working at the same company witch was a home hardware store called handy dan
they quit at handy dan and got the idea to start another compay that would put all other home hardeware store out of business
for a base of operation they chose atlanta
they did not habe enought money to totally stock the store so they faked it
they used empty boxes
evryone was totally broke
one of the keys to there succees was how they trained and treated there employese
in the first year they lost almost one million dollars
but by the end of the second year they started makeing profit
the home depot destroyed all competettors
they grew more in the first 20 years then wal mart
in 1986 there sales top over a billion dollars
the home depot desided to sponser the olympics in 1992
in 1996 they were over 17 years old and had 500 store
home depot had a rival called lowes
this caused them to change management

marcus is now worth 1.6 billion
aurther is worth 1.3 billion

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