Monday, November 1, 2010

the dragons

kevin o'leary

he really belives that he is the repretation of truth
money had no feelings
he was middle class
his father died when he was very yong
his step father made him travel all over the world
his first job was at an ice cream parlor
he got fired on the second day of his job
after that he had never worked for anyone ever again
he did not want to be controlled he wanted to be his own master
you have to find a business you fall in love with
you are going to get rich and your not even going to notice it

bret wilson
he is very generoius
born in north battle ford saskatuwan
he had a good family life but not a very good school life
he was very smart and good with numbers
his first business was brokering oil fields
he was so busy at work that his wife divorced him
he sacrificed family for wealth wich was his biggest mistakes
he carried the lympic tourch through calgary

Jim Trevliving
he created a pixxa empior from his bare hands
he is the creator of boston pizza
he wanted to be a cop
never grew up with credit card or a morgage
he joined the rcmp when he was 19 years od
he opened boston pizzas first franchise
didnt have a day off to 2 and a half years
he met someone named george melvin who became his partner
you have to jump at an opertunity when you see it

Arlene Dickinson
you earn your way into haveing money
she is a single mom with 4 children and started out with nothing
grew up very poor
she left home at 16
3 years later she was married and had 4 kids by the age of 27
her marrage ended in a divorce
she got a marketing job
meony cant make you happy
knowing who you are is the solution fot everything

Robert herjavec
he made comanies in computer software technology
he loves it because it seems real
who you are today is shaped by you experiances
he was raised by his aunt and uncle who are farmers
he always had encouragement
when robert was 8 years old his father went to jail
his family eneded up in toronto
his favorite part of being wealthy is haveung worth and self confedence
he is no more special then anyone and started out no better

now what?
this has showed me that it doesnt matter who you are are or what you started with

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