Tuesday, November 23, 2010

money from almost nothing

garage sale boys
they sold old junk
made 500 hundred dollars (yeah ok sure...)

redkine performance
they sold car parts that they baught at cost and sold at a 25 % mark up
they made 415 dollars

junked garage sale
they took old junk from people and sold it
they made 282 dollars

egg-zima eggs
they had three chikens and sold the eggs
they made 15 dollars (yep with some very speciall chickens)

begin boating
he winterized boats for people
made 120 dollars

acylic nails
she did peoples nails
45 dollars

the gutter boys
cleand peoples gutters

stylze handbags
made handmade handbags
made 15dollars

a currior service
did errands for people
made 280 dollars

roses for a cause
sold roses and doated money to cherity

what makes a someone succsessfull
really passionate and good at what they do

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