Thursday, November 25, 2010

robert kiyosaki (rich dad poor dad)

he had 2 dads one was rich not in money but in his life
his other dad was poor not because he did not have money but because of his life
his one dad told him that money is the root of all evil
captalist vs socialist
captalist wants to be better
sociallist wants to be equal
 did not do well in school he flunked out at 15 and 17 because he could not write made the new york times best sellars list 3 years in a row
thinks school is extremly important
money: we all use it
in asian culture being a teacher iws the highest calling
in america it is the lowest
 being a techer is the highest profestion of all
in his mind  a capitalist in his heart a sociallist
he is both his rich and poor dad
if your a wimp they shoot you down
as a capitallist he loves the dog eat dog world
how to get rich???
when you have money you think your intellegent when your poor you think you are stupid
this is wrong
he has made money by simplifying financak subjects
he takes things that are complex and makes them simple
1 scolastic education
2 professional education
3 financal education

the poor dad thought he only needed soclastic education and professional education
the rich dad thought all you needed was finacal education

he has lost 4 business in hi slife time but each time he got smarter
asset puts money in
liability takes money out
to be rich start a buch of assets
when he buys a stock he does not buy hopeing it goes up
the reason people loose in stocks is because they do it for capital gains
food will go up

its not money that makes you rich its your hert and mind

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